Thursday, April 13, 2006


For all you Mac users out there you will be pleased that I've finally joined the club and this is first entry from my new 12" Powerbook. Hooray.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Smoking Rings of Evening

The other night I wrote a poem with a Russian friend of mine. He classified it as an example of an English nonsense poem but I prefer to call it a cross cultural poem. The poetry is his and the nonsense is mine. Just to clarify the word 'fag' is English slang for cigarette.

Smoking Rings of Evening

We’ll take a walk

on a late evening

When the glow is

slowly fading.

The heat of the day

leads us away

And we sit like donkeys

eating hay.

And I will smoke

And you will joke

And people will choke

and gag like a hag

‘Cause the fag

in my hand

is burning.

Alexander Bogdanov and Luke Harrison ©2006