Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Metro Races

We've invented a new pastime, it's called Metro Races.
This is how it works. You pick a start station and an end station and then race some of your friends from start to finish but pick a different route to go by. We tried this the other night on our way home and managed to arrive back on exactly the same train.
If your home has a metro I strongly advise you to try this as it's remarkably good fun.


Blogger Matt said...

Sounds like great fun! You could also extend it so that two or three teams started from different points in the city, all roughly the same distance from the finish point, and see who could get back the quickest.

You could extend it even further by seeing who get get across the country in the quickest time. Might take a little time out of your obviously hectic schedule to do that, though!!!

24/3/06 10:43  

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